Ditch the Script and Share Stories Instead

rock star speakers Feb 26, 2023
Ditch the Script Share your Story

Ditching the script and telling stories when speaking to an audience–whether you’re on a podcast going live, or giving a speech on stage–is a more effective way to engage and connect with your listeners. Let’s explore why.

  1.  Stories are memorable. Stories create a narrative that your audience can follow and remember. Our brains generally find a good story easier to retain than a list of disconnected facts or information. Your story helps your audience understand the point you are trying to make and makes it easier for them to recall it later.
  2. Stories create an emotional connection. A well-crafted story evokes emotions in your
    audience, creating connection to you and your message. Listeners remember how you made
    them feel, and telling a story that touches them emotionally can be a powerful way to make
    your message resonate. For example, when Sandi D., Queen of Podcast Zen, explains why
    she founded All Things Relax Studios, she includes the ‘DC metro’ panic attack story.
  3. Stories help you stand out. When you speak in front of an audience, you are competing for
    their attention with other distractions (umm, hello cellphones). Telling a story helps you stand
    out by capturing their attention & helps you connect with your audience on a personal level.
    When Rock Star Speakers founder G. Wright shares how he became a tour manager, he
    doesn’t give a long list of reasons. He just remembers to ‘tell the Whitney (Houston) story.’
  4. Stories simplify complex ideas. If you have a complex message or idea to communicate,
    telling a story can make it easier for your audience to understand and follow it. Stories put
    complex content into context and make it more relatable.
  5. Stories inspire action. When you tell a story, you can inspire your audience to take action.
    A good story can motivate people to change their behavior, take on a new challenge, or
    pursue a new idea. Stories are powerful tools for motivating and inspiring others.
  6. Stories add variety. Listening to someone speak for an extended period of time can be
    monotonous, but stories can help to break up the monotony and add variety to your presentation. This can help to keep your audience engaged and interested in what you have
    to say.
  7. Stories are more natural. Reading from a script often makes a speaker seem robotic or
    stiff. When reading from a script, it can be harder to change up your tempo and cadence. By
    contrast, telling stories comes across as more natural and authentic, which can help to build
    credibility with your audience.

Ditching the script and telling stories when speaking to your audience is an effective way to engage
listeners, create personal connection, and make your message more impactful. Having some notes or bullet points can be helpful, but relying too heavily on a script limits your ability to connect with your audience and deliver your message in a compelling way.

Of course, it's important to curate and practice your stories so that they flow naturally and effectively
convey your message.

In Rock Star Speakers, we coach our clients on how to create a setlist of stories they can draw from during speaking engagements–whether it’s a podcast or TV interview or an IG live, they can answer questions confidently and support their messaging through storytelling. Ditching the script in favor of telling stories is a powerful way to make your message more impactful.