Your Podcast is your Business Card

podcast rock star speakers Feb 02, 2021

Promoting your small business can be challenging. You might be a solo entrepreneur and think you don't have enough time to produce a podcast show each week or don’t have time to learn the tech side of podcasting. 

As a business owner, you have many ways to reach your audience or ideal customer. You can advertise on radio, TV, social media, and beyond. If you are using these media and are happy with the results, continue to do so. That said, think of podcasting as an additional resource and your show is another tool to add to your marketing toolkit.

Your podcast is your business card. 

Having a podcast show gives you the opportunity to talk directly to your audience and customers. For example, If you’re a coach and want to reach potential clients, what better way to show them how you work, the results you produce, and the transformation you create than to have them hear it directly from you. There's something magical that happens when people hear your voice and 'click' with you. 

Your show can give clients insight into your process. Current clients can share their experiences or you can invite leaders in your niche as a guest on your show. When you produce your own podcast, you have editorial control over every aspect of your show. You decide what content is released, define the call to action, and where to send your listeners. 

Think of your show and your Show Notes as a platform to expand your audience. Listeners from all over the globe and outside of your current audience can tune in and get to know, like, and trust you. You don’t need 10,000 listeners to make an impact--you just have to reach the right person and bring them into your circle.

All Things Relax with Sandi D. podcast producer, G, has over 20 years of music industry experience. He makes this analogy: Back in the day, bands did not have to sell a million records or sell out every arena to earn a decent revenue. They only had to find their audience and create super fans to spread the word and their music. Super fans in the music world can be equated to customer referrals. 

You too can have a podcast show (or be a podcast show guest!) to reach your audience and create super fans. 


Our goal is to help as many small businesses as possible reach their audience so that they can be successful. 

Need help finding the confidence to become a podcast host or guest? Join 'The Band,' and become part of a supportive community of ROCK Star Speakers where you will learn how to find your VOICE and unlock your 'Je ne sais quoi' and become a confident speaker. 

Stay tuned for our upcoming post about how you can leverage being a podcast guest to build your authority.